Use Cases

Our target market is focused first on customers in need of databases that can fulfill multiple roles – in our case both relational database (RDBMS) and graph database roles.

  • Do you have an online e-commerce solution…?
  • Are you dealing with social networks data in your application…?
  • Are you interested in find new connections between your existing data entities (such as clients, products, transactions, posts, relationships etc.) to help grow your business…?
  • Are you processing bank transactions and need to look into potential fraud activities?
  • Do you want to understand how your data is connected – what are the relationships between the various entities?

If your answer is YES to at least one of these questions, chances are that you need to include a graph database engine in your solution. Graph data structures plus graph processing algorithms have become lately a must-have in many IT solutions because they can transform data into meaningful relationships to help deliver real-time valuable insight and action.

ArniaDB enables customers to build a wide range of applications in domains like:
  • Fraud detection: fight fraud, evasion, and money laundering.
  • Retail and e-commerce support
  • Marketing, where solutions must understand customers, the relationships they hold with each other, the relationships between different products and many more.
  • Product traceability, with high impact in logistics.
  • Knowledge graphs, scientific computation and machine learning technologies.
  • Climate applications; for example, tracing the EU emission trading data and tracking climate changes impact.
  • Situational awareness which allows monitoring of environmental elements and events in real-time.
  • Tracking the COVID-19 pandemic spread.
  • The current graph technologies allow applications that are falling short when the need occurs to use both relational and graph data. Our product will provide support for both these types of data out-of-the-box, greatly simplifying the solutions development.


  • Customers that are building a solution that must combine relational and graph data processing and don’t have to include in their solution an existing/legacy RDBMS database. This includes the scenarios where you can migrate any existing relational data to the ArniaDB database.
  • Customers looking to improve their current solutions implementation efficiency and to lower the maintenance costs by moving from multiple different databases to a single (multi-model) one – ArniaDB.