
Our first MVP public release for ArniaDB will be ready for public download in late 2022. In the meantime, we can make private builds available to you for specific collaborations/early product adopting – please let us know if you are interested.


If you want to stay up to date with the latest news and developments please visit our news section.

Basic Edition
Linux (64)
Not yet available for public release
Windows (64)
Not yet available for public release
MacOS (64)
Not yet available for public release
Community Edition
Linux (64)
Not yet available for public release
Windows (64)
Not yet available for public release
MacOS (64)
Not yet available for public release


In 2022:
  • January 15: We have released a new internal MVP which features improved graph schema support, improved PGQL compatibility. The SQL/relational core is 100% ready, and the graph core is at about 25% ready.
  • February 14: The REST API interface enters development phase.
  • February 28: The public beta release of the website is complete.