Technology Insights

Our product is innovative because of the way we combine relational data with graph capabilities. Everything is implemented natively, in the same core, without any addition of extensions/add-ons, external libraries or other 3rd party components/dependencies.

Our product features the following key attributes/properties:
  • It has a very powerful relational database engine, based on an open-source database engine developed by Arnia Software in the last 12 years – CUBRID. Our product offers full compatibility with SQL standards, including a wide variety of drivers/connectors.
  • It has a graph database engine, featuring a built-in graph algorithms library that implements the standard graph theory algorithms that address various needs in the industry (ex: fraud detection, recommendations engines etc.).
  • ArniaDB implements full compatibility with widely used PGQL graph query language.
  • It has support for MacOS, Windows and Linux.
  • It has support for high-availability solutions.
  • It has support for cloud implementations
  • It comes with comprehensive technical support
  • Our solution comes with a rich development and implementation ecosystem that will expose a web visualization component, drivers and connectors that will allow users to connect and use our product from within their solutions (JDBC, REST API), and various supporting tools (for data migration, data backup & recovery, high availability, and scalability support tools, monitoring and audit tools, performance optimization tools)
  • Everything in the core engine is implemented in C/C++, to get the best performance; JDBC and REST API interface are implemented in Java, providing multi-platform OS compatibility.
    It comes with user manuals and help, demos, and tutorials.

The complete C++ native implementation processes data and performs queries faster, scales bigger and runs more efficiently while requiring less hardware. This is the main differentiator for our product – we are not “gluing” together separate pieces, but we build everything needed in the same core. This comes with important advantages: simplified architecture, simplified internal data exchange protocols, better performance, simplified maintenance, and simplified customization.